1 of {{calcVm.numberOfSteps}} Your mortgage needs Edit
Enter a value between 1 and 20 for Number of adults including the applicant(s) who will be resident in the property.
Enter a value between 0 and 20 for Number of financial dependants living at home (children/elderly relatives).
The value entered for Location of property (enter a minimum of the first two characters of the postcode) is not valid.
Enter a value between £1 and £9,999,999 for Expected property purchase price or valuation.
Enter a value between £1 and £9,999,999 for Expected property purchase price or valuation.
The Will the applicant(s) benefit from a reduction in Council Tax for the property? field is required.
Please select a term.
2 of {{calcVm.numberOfSteps}} Main Applicant Details Edit

Main applicant

Personal details


Enter a value between 1 and 31 for Date of birth - day.
Enter a value between 1 and 12 for Date of birth - month.
{{calcVm.dobRangeError}} {{calcVm.maxAgeAtTermError}}
Please select a gender.

Income from your employment

Let us know up to three of your current employments

Your main employment

The Employment type field is required.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annual income.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annualised bonus.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Total regular gross annual overtime, shift allowance or commission.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross dividend income last year.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross dividend income previous year.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annual share of the net income from the partnership.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross share of net profits for the most recent accounting period.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for The applicant's gross share of net profits (before dividends) for the most recent accounting period plus salary.
Enter a value between 20 and 99 for Planned retirement age.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Anticipated gross annual retirement income.
Please select if you have another job.

Your second employment

The Employment type field is required.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annual income.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annualised bonus.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Total regular gross annual overtime, shift allowance or commission.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross dividend income last year.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross dividend income previous year.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annual share of the net income from the partnership.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross share of net profits for the most recent accounting period.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for The applicant's gross share of net profits (before dividends) for the most recent accounting period plus salary.
Enter a value between 20 and 99 for Planned retirement age.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Anticipated gross annual retirement income.
Please select if you have another job.

Your third employment

The Employment type field is required.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annual income.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annualised bonus.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Total regular gross annual overtime, shift allowance or commission.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross dividend income last year.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross dividend income previous year.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annual share of the net income from the partnership.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross share of net profits for the most recent accounting period.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for The applicant's gross share of net profits (before dividends) for the most recent accounting period plus salary.
Enter a value between 20 and 99 for Planned retirement age.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Anticipated gross annual retirement income.

Income from other sources including retirement

Please select if you have income from other sources.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Private pension.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for State / company / occupational pension.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Drawdown on pension fund.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Interest from investments.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Dividend income
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Company owner income.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Rental income.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Widows pension.
3 of {{calcVm.numberOfSteps}} Second Applicant Details Edit

Second applicant

Personal details


Enter a value between 1 and 31 for Date of birth - day.
Enter a value between 1 and 12 for Date of birth - month.
{{calcVm.dobRangeError}} {{calcVm.maxAgeAtTermError}}
Please select a gender.

Income from your employment

Let us know up to three of your current employments

Your main employment

The Employment type field is required.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annual income.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annualised bonus.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Total regular gross annual overtime, shift allowance or commission.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross dividend income last year.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross dividend income previous year.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annual share of the net income from the partnership.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross share of net profits for the most recent accounting period.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for The applicant's gross share of net profits (before dividends) for the most recent accounting period plus salary.
Enter a value between 20 and 99 for Planned retirement age.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Anticipated gross annual retirement income.
Please select if you have another job.

Your second employment

The Employment type field is required.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annual income.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annualised bonus.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Total regular gross annual overtime, shift allowance or commission.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross dividend income last year.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross dividend income previous year.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annual share of the net income from the partnership.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross share of net profits for the most recent accounting period.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for The applicant's gross share of net profits (before dividends) for the most recent accounting period plus salary.
Enter a value between 20 and 99 for Planned retirement age.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Anticipated gross annual retirement income.
Please select if you have another job.

Your third employment

The Employment type field is required.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annual income.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annualised bonus.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Total regular gross annual overtime, shift allowance or commission.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross dividend income last year.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross dividend income previous year.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross annual share of the net income from the partnership.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Gross share of net profits for the most recent accounting period.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for The applicant's gross share of net profits (before dividends) for the most recent accounting period plus salary.
Enter a value between 20 and 99 for Planned retirement age.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Anticipated gross annual retirement income.

Income from other sources including retirement

Please select if you have income from other sources.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Private pension.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for State / company / occupational pension.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Drawdown on pension fund.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Interest from investments.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Dividend income
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Company owner income.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Rental income.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Widows pension.
{{calcVm.singleApplicant() ? 3 : 4}} of {{calcVm.numberOfSteps}} Main Applicant Expenditure Edit

General outgoings

What do you spend on the following commitments per month?

Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for School fees.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Nursery/Childminding fees.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Continuing child maintenance.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Life insurance.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Building/Contents insurance.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Ground rent/Service charge.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Monthly pension contributions.

Credit related outgoings

What do you spend on the following credit related outgoings?

Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Unsecured loan.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Personal HP agreement.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Credit agreements.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Secured Loans.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Other mortgage payments.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Student loans.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Please state the total credit card balances that will not be cleared upon completion of this mortgage.
5 of {{calcVm.numberOfSteps}} Second Applicant Expenditure Edit

General outgoings

What do you spend on the following commitments per month?

Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for School fees.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Nursery/Childminding fees.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Continuing child maintenance.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Life insurance.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Building/Contents insurance.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Ground rent/Service charge.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Monthly pension contributions.

Credit related outgoings

What do you spend on the following credit related outgoings?

Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Unsecured loan.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Personal HP agreement.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Credit agreements.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Secured Loans.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Other mortgage payments.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Student loans.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Please state the total credit card balances that will not be cleared upon completion of this mortgage.
6 of {{calcVm.numberOfSteps}} Joint Expenditure Edit

General outgoings

What do you spend on the following commitments per month?

Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for School fees.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Nursery/Childminding fees.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Continuing child maintenance.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Life insurance.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Building/Contents insurance.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Ground rent/Service charge.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Monthly pension contributions.

Credit related outgoings

What do you spend on the following credit related outgoings?

Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Unsecured loan.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Personal HP agreement.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Credit agreements.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Secured Loans.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Other mortgage payments.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Student loans.
Enter a value between £0 and £9,999,999 for Please state the total credit card balances that will not be cleared upon completion of this mortgage.
{{calcVm.numberOfSteps}} of {{calcVm.numberOfSteps}} Results