
Terms & Conditions

This website is provided by Idealse Ltd of 483 Green Lanes London N13 4BS. Idealse is a trading name of Idealse Ltd. By using this website you consent to the terms and conditions below.

1. Disclaimer

Whilst reasonable care is taken to ensure that the information contained on this website is accurate, we cannot guarantee its accuracy and we reserve the right to change the information on this website (including these terms and conditions) at any time without notice. You must check these terms and conditions for changes each time you intend to use this website.

Savills provides this website on an “as is” basis and makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this website or the content contained on it (including any text, graphics, advertisements, measurements, links or other item) and disclaims all such representations and warranties. Opinions expressed on this website are not statements of fact.

In addition, neither we nor any other contributor to this website make any representation or give any warranty, condition, undertaking or term either express or implied as to the condition, quality, performance, accuracy, suitability, fitness for purpose, completeness, or freedom from viruses of the content contained on this website or that such content will be accurate, up to date, uninterrupted or error free.

Nothing on this website shall be regarded or taken as financial advice. The information contained on this website is not an invitation to invest in shares of Savills plc and may not be relied upon in connection with any investment decision.

The services listed on this website are only available to persons in the United Kingdom for the following companies: SPF Private Clients Limited, Savills Capital Advisors Limited and Savills Investment Management Limited. Accordingly the information contained about them does not constitute a solicitation to person outside the United Kingdom and must not be acted upon by such persons.

2. Indemnity


Save in respect of liability for death or personal injury arising out of negligence or for fraudulent misrepresentation, we and all contributors to this website hereby disclaim to the fullest extent permitted by law all liability for any loss or damage including any consequential or indirect loss or damage incurred by you, whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise, and arising out of or in relation to or in connection with your access to or use of or inability to use this website.

3. Intellectual Property

The copyright in this website and its content belong to Savills. You may not make a permanent copy of or reproduce this website or any of its contents in any form. You may not reproduce or incorporate this website or any of its contents into any other website. You may only print or cache temporary copies of the content for your own personal non-commercial use.

Savills welcomes links to this site from relevant third party websites. However, if requested in writing by Savills, links must be removed within 24 hours.

Savills and the Savills logo are trademarks registered in the name of Savills plc in the UK and other parts of the world. Reproduction of these trademarks other than in order to view this website is prohibited. Nothing on this site should be construed as granting any licence or rights to use or distribute any site content without express written agreement.

4. Interruptions and Ommissions in This Service

Whilst we take every care to ensure that the standard of this website remains high and to maintain the continuity of it, the Internet is not always a stable medium, and errors, omissions, interruptions of service and delays may occur at any time. As a result, we do not accept any ongoing obligation or responsibility to operate this website (or any particular part of it).

5. Invalidity

If any part of our terms and conditions is unenforceable (including any provision in which we exclude our liability to you) the enforceability of any other part of these conditions will not be affected.

6. Links

This website contains links to third party websites over which Savills has no control. Savills assumes no responsibility for the content of third party websites or for any losses which may arise out of use of a third party website. The presence of a link to a third party does not necessarily mean that Savills endorses that site or has or has not any association with the proprietor of that website.

7. Governing Law

These terms and conditions and your use of this website are governed exclusively by English law and any disputes arising from or in connection with these terms and conditions and your use of this website shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

8. Regulation

Savills Capital Advisors Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Should you have any reason for complaint with Savills Capital Advisors Limited please contact the compliance officer Chris Nicolle on +44 (0) 20 7409 8825 or email him at CNicolle@savills.com

Savills Investment Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Should you have any reason for complaint with Savills Investment Management Limited please contact the compliance officer Kevin StewartSmith on +44 (0) 20 3107 5450 or email him at kevin.stewartsmith@savillsim.com

Other Savills group companies featured on this website are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

9. Data Protection

We may use your personal information in our provision of services to you. Please see our Privacy Notice for details of how your personal information will be used.

10. Privacy and Cookies

The Privacy Notice also lists the cookies used by this website and tells you how you can restrict or delete cookies.

Copyright Notice

This site is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. You may display the content of this site on a computer, store such content on a disk, and print one copy of it for your personal use, subject to keeping all copyright and other proprietary notices intact.

You may not otherwise copy, reproduce, modify, distribute or use for any commercial purpose the content of this site. No licences of any trade marks of Northwood GB Limited are hereby granted.

Terms and Conditions

This website is the property of Northwood GB Ltd, The Main Barn, Cams Hall Estate, Fareham, PO16 8UT.

  1. Northwood GB Ltd is registered in England, registration number 3570861.
  2. All Northwood branches are independently owned and operated. For a full list of Northwood branches please click here.
  3. The content and design of the website pages and other intellectual property rights on this website including text, graphics, photographs, photos, codes, files and links belong to Northwood GB Ltd. They cannot be reproduced, transmitted, stored or copied in whole or in part without the express prior written consent of Northwood GB Ltd. However, you may print, save or download individual sections for your own personal, private and non commercial use.
  4. The Northwood logo is a registered trademark and may not be reproduced in any way or form.
  5. This website features content that is provided for guidance only and should not be regarded as a substitute for taking legal advice.
  6. This website may also include links to other web pages offering products and services. Such links do not signify any endorsement or other of those services or suppliers.
  7. Northwood GB Ltd makes no warranty that this website is free from defects or viruses and Northwood GB Ltd and its Franchisees cannot accept any responsibility (to the extent permitted by law) for any loss arising indirectly from the use of this site.
  8. The use of this website and any dispute arising from its use shall be governed by the laws of England and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
  9. Your use of the Northwood website is a confirmation that you have understood and agreed to these terms and conditions.

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